


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 7AM - 7PM

  • Open Git Bash on your computer.
  • Navigate to the local repository where you want to create the new branch. You can use the cd command to change directories. For example, if your repository is located in C:\Users\YourUsername\MyRepo, you can run:

cd C:\Users\YourUsername\MyRepo

  • Ensure that you are on the main branch or any other branch from which you want to create the new branch. You can use the git branch command to see the list of branches and the currently checked out branch. If you are not on the desired branch, you can switch to it using the git checkout command. For example, to switch to the main branch, you can run:

git checkout main

  • Once you are on the desired branch, create a new branch using the git branch command followed by the name you want to give to the new branch. For example, to create a branch named “new-feature”, run:

git branch new-feature

  • After creating the branch, switch to the newly created branch using the git checkout command. For example, to switch to the “new-feature” branch, run:

git checkout new-feature

  • At this point, you have created and switched to the new branch. You can now start making changes and committing them to the new branch.
  • Once you have made the desired changes and commits, you can push the new branch to GitHub using the git push command. For example, to push the “new-feature” branch to the remote repository, run:

git push origin new-feature




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