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In HTML, the class and id attributes are used to uniquely identify an element in an HTML document. Both attributes can be used to apply styles to an element using CSS, and both can be used as hooks for JavaScript to manipulate elements on a page. However, there are some key differences between the two attributes:

  1. Scope: An element can have multiple class attributes, and an element can belong to multiple classes. This means that a class can be used to apply styles to multiple elements on a page. On the other hand, an element can only have one id attribute, and an id must be unique within the document. This means that an id is used to identify a specific element on the page.
  2. Styles: Both class and id attributes can be used to apply styles to an element using CSS. However, the id attribute has a higher specificity than the class attribute, which means that styles defined using an id will take precedence over styles defined using a class.
  3. JavaScript: Both class and id attributes can be used as hooks for JavaScript to manipulate elements on a page. However, the id attribute is generally used more frequently for this purpose because it allows you to easily select a specific element on the page using the document.getElementById() method.

In summary, the class attribute is used to identify a group of elements that share a common characteristic, while the id attribute is used to uniquely identify a single element on the page.


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